一、招生計劃 Enrolment Plan
1. 招生對象 Enrolment Target
Children who are six years old or over (born from 1 September, 2014 to 31 August, 2015), no restrictions on location of household register or nationality. A small number of availability are open for students from Year 1 to Year 8.
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2. 招生人數(shù) Enrolment Number
一年級4個班 25人/班(小學其他年級招收少量插班生)
初一年級1個班 25人/班(初中其他年級招收少量插班生)
Primary School
Year 1 : 4 classes 25 students/class
(Other year’s intake are accepted subject to availability)
Secondary School
Year 7 : 1 class 25 students/class
(Other year’s intake are accepted subject to availability)
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Application Requirements and Procedures
1. 申請方式:撥打招生辦電話87105088或持相關資料到校報名;
2. 地點:學校招生注冊處;
3. 申請登記時間:7月中旬起,額滿為止。
4. 申請材料:
1. 義務教育通知書;
2. 戶口本首頁、戶主頁、本人頁復印件(外籍生為護照、居留許可證復印件);
3. 父母雙方身份證復印件((或戶口本、護照、居留許可證);
4. 出生證明復印件;
5. 《入托、入學兒童預防接種查驗報告》紅聯(lián)(外籍生為體檢報告);
6. 兩張1寸彩色證件照;
7. 原校素質(zhì)報告冊或成績單(插班生及初中)。
1. Method: Please call us on 87105088 or apply in person with relevant documents;
2. Place: Enrolments & Admissions Office;
3. Time: From mid July until the placements are full.
4. Documents Required:
1. Compulsory Education Admission Notice;
2. Household Registration or Passport;
3. ID Card of parents;
4. Birth Certificate;
5. Immunisation Records;
6. 2 copies of 1 inch colored photos;
7. Original copy of the most recent school report;
or transcript(only for transferred and secondary school students)
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三、升學路徑 Beyond Graduation
四、聯(lián)系我們 Contract us
咨詢電話 TEL:027-87105088 027-87753301
接聽時間 Working Hours:8:00-17:20
No.322 Luoshi Road Hongshan District Wuhan
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